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Holy Priest DPS

Regrettably, I no longer play World of Warcraft, so I am no longer updating my Holy Priest DPS guide. Yes, the day has come for me to whereby I have hung up my cloak, put my staff in the shed and retired to a secluded hut in Elwynn Forest, not far from Donni Anthania (Crazy Cat Lady). After 14 years of playing, on and off admittedly, the thrill of the game has finally gone for me. Why? There hasn’t been any innovation within the game in years, it’s the same gaming mechanics repackaged. Also, Blizzard has made the Holy Priest DPS spec so weak, I was forced to use the Shadow spec to level and quest; the game just wasn’t fun anymore. 

I left the Guides online for historic purposes, and who knows, maybe in the future, the Classic versions of the past expansions will be released, so the guides will be useful again.

I might be back, but I feel the beginning of the end has started for the game.

Peace be with you

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